Género: Comedy
No fury like that
A satire of second chances, death, redemption, and justice. Julia Redner is a ruthless businesswoman, a Miranda Priestly type who is obsessed with success and […]
I should have never hooked up with a hipster (No debí enrollarme con una moderna)
Modern isn’t always the best. Peluche (“Teddy Bear”) is forty-five years old, lives in Barcelona, and is a comic book writer. Although he’s been writing […]
Im working on it saga (Saga Estoy en ello)
I’m working on it | I’m still working on it | Players come and go, but sisters stay | I saw it first | Too handsome […]
Czech Republic’s first superheroe. Myth or truth? Perak had springs on his legs with which he could even jump streets. With supernatural abilities he became […]
The Magpie In The Realm Of Entropy (Straka V Rísi Entropie)
Science was never so exciting. A funny book of fables explaining everyday laws of physics to children and their parents. In nine fables, diverse animals […]
Village Schoolteacher Saga (Saga Maestra de pueblo)
L for Beginner | Civil Status: Opponent | Clean Slate No matter how much experience you have, a teacher never stops learning. In […]
Fleeing From Addiction (Huyendo del vicio)
Fleeing the city to escape bad habits… to arrive in a village and find yourself in the greatest temptation. Maria is a 23-year-old girl […]
Saga How (Not) to Fall in Love (Cómo (no) enamorarse)
How (not) to fall in love | Three is (not) a crowd Love doesn't understand traditions Nora is an outgoing, dramatic, unpredictable, self-centered, yet also very fun […]
Saga Albert Zimmer
Albert Zimmer I: The Witch of Berchtesgaden | Albert Zimmer II: The Murderer of the Senses A funny and sinister young man solving murder cases committed […]