Género: Non fiction

  • The Happiest Place on Earth (El lugar más feliz del mundo)

    An extraordinary trip to the extremes of the human condition. Through the experience obtained for more than 15 years working as reporter in Asia, David Jiménez … Read more

  • The Editor in Chief (El Director) (Film)

    The press promised to tell you the truth. David Jiménez tells you the truth about the press.   David Jiménez hardened as a journalist covering wars, … Read more

  • Tinisima

    The great novel of Tina Modotti, the woman who broke all of the moulds of her time.   Tina Modotti is an icon of art and politics, … Read more

  • I Will Hunt The Monster For You (Cazaré al monstruo por ti)

    The Candy Operation: the biggest man hunt ever made in Madrid.   In 2014, the Judiciary Police Brigade of Madrid had to face an enormous case: … Read more

  • 29 Bullets and a Love Note (29 balas y una nota de amor)

    The high-profile crime that was all over the news and that opened a profound gash in Barcelona’s police forces.   The police find a suspicious carbonized … Read more

  • You Know Nothing About Me (No sabes nada de mí)

    Who are the Spanish female spies?   Their identities were never revealed, but their work was key to solving some of the juiciest and darkest cases … Read more

  • The Fourth Sword (La cuarta espada)

    An immersion within the mind of the murderer that became a god. Abimael Guzmán was the most dangerous man in Peru, and the most lethal terrorist … Read more

  • The Ones in Saint Patrick’s Batallion (Los del San Patricio)

    The story of the men whose morality made them move to the opponent side. The real story of John Riley and his colleagues, the irishmen who … Read more

  • Women (Mujeres) (TV Series/Film)

    The rebellious Mexican women who changed the curse of History. In the 1970s, in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, an old … Read more

  • Fragile (Frágil) (TV Format)

    Some contestants duel with each other to take some fragile objects from one place to another. The only condition is that those objects must be kept … Read more

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