Projects in
development and production
We oversee the largest portfolio of adaptations in the development and production phase
The Lies Saga (Saga Mentira) (TV Series)

The Wild Book (El libro salvaje) (Film)
Under Rome’s Purple Sky Saga (Saga Bajo el cielo púrpura de Roma)(TV Series)

Subsoil (Subsuelo) (TV Series)

So Close to Life (Tan cerca de la vida) (TV Series / Film)

Learning to Talk to Plants (Aprender a hablar con las plantas) (TV Series)

Tender Is the Flesh (Cadáver Exquisito) (TV Series)

Beats – An Original TV Series Project

The Captain’s Daughters (TV Series)

The Reef (Arrecife) (Serie TV)

A Mile High Noir Saga (TV Series)

B as in Beauty (B de bella)(TV Series)

The Lost Angel (TV Series)

A Criminal Novel (Docuseries)

Winds from the south

Swift as Desire (Tan veloz como el deseo) (TV Series)
How to acquire rights?
If you are interested in acquiring the rights to a work, complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.