The story is set in the Spanish 18th century, recreating Esquilache´s riot. The plot is centered on Marquis Esquilache, one of Carlos III’s ministers. Esquilache is a minister with an advanced ideology in tune with the Enlighten movement. He forwards a law that provokes some anxiety among the people of the country: a riot against the minister is organized due to the discontent. Esquilache, to avoid a Civil War, voluntarily goes into exile. But, as it turns out, it is not just the people behind the riot: Marquis of Ensenada, a minister exiled in the past, is the one who organized the uprising.
RELEVANT FACTS: The story was adapted into a film entitled “Esquilache” in 1989, directed by Josefina Molina.
Buero Vallejo is the great theatrical author of the twentieth century. He won the Premio Miguel de Cervantes (1986) and the Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas (1996). In addition, he has received in four occasions the Premio Nacional de Teatro and also the Honorary Max Theatre Award, among many other distinctions.
POTENTIAL AUDIOVISUAL: TV Series, TV Miniseries, Film, TV Movie
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