Adiós muchachos are the memoirs of the author himself during the Sandinist Revolution: a social movement that in 1979 put an end to the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua. Sergio Ramírez took part in the rebellion and fought against one of the most cruel and corrupted dictatorships in Latin America.
Furthermore, the author also explains his experience as the Vice-President of Nicaragua during the rule of Daniel Ortega. Ortega was a sandinist which became a modern Somoza once he got into the power. He finally allied with the opposition.
Adiós muchachos is a work that keeps untouched that hopeful feeling of a revolution, while shows the devastating consequences of the dictatorship.
RELEVANT DATA: Ramírez’s work introduces the audience that generation that managed, after a long, violent and suffering period, to build democracy in Nicaragua.
Additionally, Adiós muchachos is narrated in first person by one of the main members of the Sandinist Revolution.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: In development for TV Series format.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, Italian, German.
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