The Beginning of the End | The Dark Days | The Wrath of the Righteous
The Beginning of the End
After a group of rebels assault multiple military laboratories located in the heart of Russia, they accidentally release a terrifying virus that spreads unchecked throughout the planet. The news arrives quite slowly and nobody can determine what will be the extent of the leak. Little by little, regions all across the globe will begin to be cut off. What was just a small issue in the newspapers becomes an epidemic of devastating proportions that will devour country after country, threatening to annihilate all humanity. Spain will not be an exception, and panic begins to spread…
The virus is deadly, but in appearance only. The infected show an unusual aggressive behavior towards the living and it keeps the dead walking. The only way to kill them is by smashing their skulls.
Meanwhile, a young lawyer who leads a quiet and routine life in a small town in Galicia awaits anxiously for any small amount of news, until reality knocks on his door.
In all the cities across the world, Safe Points are established to bring together all the healthy people and better defend themselves against the “Undead”. However, the lawyer decides that he is better protected in his house with his cat Lucullus… at least for now. They remain isolated in their neighborhood (where they have always lived), but he comes to the conclusion that if he wants to survive this apocalypse, he needs to get out and cross the territory that was once Galicia and has now become hell on earth.
REVELANT INFORMATION: Manel Loureiro is an international bestseller writer with a historical total of 700,000 copies sold in more than 30 countries and translated into more than 15 languages.
He (along with Javier Sierra and Carlos Ruiz Zafón) is of the few contemporary Spanish authors who have managed to be the top sellers in the United States, managing to surpass the barrier of 200,000 copies there. He was also the first Spanish author to be placed on the list of the three best-selling books in the United States based solely on pre-orders of his novel The Last Passenger. In 2014, he was the only non-Anglo-Saxon author to make the top 100 best-selling authors in the United States.
His first novel, Apocalypse Z, emerged from an internet blog that went viral with more than one million and a half readers. Once the novel became published on paper, it became a bestseller. His latest novel, La Puerta, has established him as an author to look out for on the international scene, as it sold 100,000 copies.
In TV, he has worked as a presenter on the Galician Television and as a screenwriter. He has a regularly programmed segment on the program Cuarto Milenio on the spanish channel know as Cadena Cuatro.
In the media, he collaborates with the newspapers such as Diario ABC, El Mundo, and Diario de Pontevedra, and is a regular contributor to Cadena SER and the magazine GQ España.
What the press says:
“[…] Exactly a decade ago, he began to type the first lines of a blog that, in a very short time, would become a worldwide phenomenon”. The Voice of Galicia
“Manel Loureiro seems to have the gift of opportunity, since many of the themes in his novels are closely related to the most recent news.” La Vanguardia
“[…] An author who is beginning to be compared to Jules Verne by anticipating some of the keys to the coronavirus pandemic.” The Voice of Galicia
“Manel Loureiro is one of the few contemporary Spanish authors who has managed to place his books on the list of best sellers in the United States.” Europe Press
“The closeness and forcefulness of the first-person narration is the biggest drive of the plot in the opening scenes.” The Attic of Words (literary blog)
“A pure drug to get hooked on the zombie genre.” Goodreads
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: Currently in development for a film.
LANGUAGES AVAILABLE: Spanish, Galician, English, Czech, Slovak, Polish, French, Italian, German.