Babylon’s Courtesan is a comedy that has the most important women in history as main characters. We assist to the encounter of Lilith, the first woman, with Eva, who asks her for help when God expels Adam and her from Heaven. We will see peculiar stories of a lesbian, an abused woman, a nun and a prostitute that give us their points of view about the society they are living in. We will assist, as well, to the encounter of an Indian woman with Queen Isabel, the Catholic, and while the Indian woman defends her culture, the Queen tries to persuade her that Indians are not a civilization, but a savage community. Furthermore, we will see Virgin Mary, who explains us her relationship with God; a bunch of burned witches and, also, Chusa, God´s daughter, who comes to Earth, directly to the Vatican, to see check on what are they doing with religion.
RELEVANT FACTS: Ramón Paso is a screenwriter, playwright and a stage director, born in Madrid in 1976. He is the grandson of the playwright Alfonso Paso and great grandson of the writer Enrique Jardiel Poncela. More than 100 episodes written by Paso, between series and shows, were released on TV; among them are the most popular TV series of Spanish television, such as “Compañeros” or “Matrimonio con hijos”.
POTENTIAL AUDIOVISUAL FORMATS: TV Series, TV Miniseries, Film, TV Movie, Entertainment program.

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