Bibelot (Included in «The Smallest Show on Earth»)

A hug contained in a snow globe.

Alberto becomes aware of how much he needs a hug when a strange elderly woman gives him one, reminding him of the absence of affection in his daily life, marked by the coldness of the office, the distance with his father, and his sporadic encounters with Fátima.

Hungry for human contact, Alberto responds with gratitude but soon realizes that the elderly woman mistakes him for her lost son, José Luis, on his birthday.

Keeping the woman’s illusion alive, Alberto accepts his role and joins the celebration, which includes a birthday cake and a gift: a trinket in the shape of a snow globe that triggers a miniature snowstorm. Meanwhile, the elderly woman, Elvira, is convinced that José Luis has come to see her.

As the day progresses, Alberto learns through a neighbor that both José Luis and his sister have passed away. This revelation immerses him in a mixture of horror and compassion. However, Alberto promises to return every year to continue impersonating Elvira’s lost son.

As the snow begins to fall at night, as if someone had shaken a snow globe, Alberto decides that, although his real life remains static and lonely, he can find solace in this shared fantasy.



“Bibelot” is a short story from the book The Smallest Show on Earth.

The author, Félix J. Palma, has been recognized by critics as one of the most original short story writers today. He has been awarded prizes such as the Tiflos Award and the Ibero-American Short Story Award Cortes de Cádiz.


What the reviews say:

“Palma writes like a god. His prose is rich and brilliant, and his stories are imaginative, intelligent, and original.” Goodreads

“A particular magic emanates from the story, and you go through various states while reading it: sadness, tenderness, empathy, surprise…” Relatos leídos

“Imagination, brilliance in storytelling, and an innate ability to convey endless sensations.” Papel en blanco


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Film.


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