A Film based on the play by Jordi Galcerán
Genre: Comedy
A romantic comedy with ETA? The result of this explosive cocktail is BURUNDANGA, a vaudeville of white humor and constant surprises, misunderstandings and bizarre situations that not only mix love, terror and comedy, but comes to announce the end of ETA.
Berta is a student who is pregnant with Manuel, her boyfriend, but still has not dared to tell him since she does not know what to do. In fact, she is not sure if her partner really loves her. Silvia, her roommate, provides her the solution: BURUNDANGA, the truth serum, a drug that makes you lose your will and causes genuine sincerity. If she gets him to take it, she will find out the truth about everything she wants. Berta finally does it, she gives the drug to her partner and discovers not only what she wanted to know, but also a mess of unpredictable consequences breaks out.
The play
BURUNDANGA is one of two Spanish theater comedies with more spectators and more time in billboard in the last 25 years. The other is "The Gronholm Method", both of Jordi Galcerán, the most successful Spanish playwright in Spain and abroad, tailored to more than 40 languages and whose works have been leader’s audience and box office over the last two decades.
BURUNDANGA, on the billboard since 2012, with more than 300,000 tickets sold and grossed more than 3,500,000 € in Spain, has been the leading comedy, has been programmed with great success in the major cities of Spain and has been exported to Latin America. In 2016 remains a smashing success that accumulates several awards.
This production can aspire to the highest: a familiar and socially transversal public. The best example to reinforce this statement is the peculiarity of the content of the work, since it is the first Spanish comedy that deals with the phenomenon of ETA from a central perspective.

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