The truth that we are denied will haunt us until the end of time.
Ana Sardá was a 17-year-old devoted to Catholicism and close with her family. Her body was found burned and dismembered in a bleak field and the investigation concluded with no perpetrators, leaving her family heart-broken. 30 years later, Lia, the middle child, had broken off all ties with her family and the church; the mother is now a depressed and quiet woman; and the father is still desperately trying to find answers to his daughter´s case. Because of this, he wants to re-open it, to bring her justice. Seven people related to the victim will give their personal testimony of what happened that day. However, bringing the truth to light won´t be an easy feat, as there are some testimonies that aren´t telling the entire truth. Cathedrals (Catedrales) is a horrifying story about how people can justify cruel and horrible events by using the argument that what they did was not sinful.
RELEVANT DATA: Cathedrals (Catedrales) is acclaimed Argentinian writer Claudia Piñeiro´s latest book, one that has received many good critiques. It won the Dashiell Hammet Award of 2021. The novel, beyond a regular thriller novel, focuses on psychological effects that can be triggered by a murder within different characters.
Besides that, Claudia Piñeiro controls to perfection the dosages of information that are given while reading in such a way that the reader is consistently hooked until the very end of the story. One of the most important aspects of the book is the detailed psychological construction catered to each of the characters.
“The skilled Piñeiro seems to have made way for a special genre, a family crime story, in which everything stays within the home.” La Nación.
Claudia Piñeiro delves into family ties, in social prejudices, and in ideologies and institutions that set private worlds.
“A noir novel that shows the hypocrisy of religion and the atrocities that happen because of it. The truth is sometimes hidden in order to not damage its reputation and to justify sin” Goodreads.
Claudia Piñeiro is known as “The Queen of Argentinian Noir Novels”. She won the Clarín Award, and is Argentina´s most translated author right after Borges and Cortázar. Within her most prestigious awards, some to highlight are the LiBeraturpreis, the Pléyade Award, the Latinoamericano de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Award, the ACE Award, the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Award and the Pepe Carvalho Award. In addition, many of her novels have been adapted to film and television series.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series in development.