The story revolves around three thieves, poor of solemnity, facing the imminent Christmas with hunger and cold in their positions. In a bar, they discover a mature and accommodated gentleman and decide that the solution to their problems lies in his wallet. But the gentleman is not what he seems: He is a libertine in eternal bankruptcy. Children of the Night relates the chaotic life of three young men who despise social norms and pretend to be the heirs of a wealthy aristocrat.
RELEVANT FACTS: In 1939, the play was adapted to a Hispanic-Italian film by Benito Perojo and Aldo Vergano.
Adolfo Torrado was a playwright and a screenwriter. Many of his stories, characterized by the mess, humor and emotional sensationalism, were taken to cinema by himself or other very important directors, such as Luis Buñuel.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, TV Miniseries, Film, TV Movie
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