Happy ever after exists in a lie
Mercedes is a 22-year-old Mexican woman living in Texas, where she works as a waitress and is engaged to Anselmo, who is Mexican-American. On her wedding day, Anselmo doesn’t show up. Mercedes decides to go look for him and discovers that he’s engaged to someone else. Heartbroken and confused, still in her wedding dress, Mercedes decides to go take wedding photos and asks the photographer to edit them to make it look like Anselmo is with her. Thus begins a big lie…
RELEVANT FACTS: “Frustration” is a short story first published in 1961 which was adapted into the film “Días de otoño” by Roberto Gavaldón in 1963.
B. Traven is a German author who lived in Mexico, where he worked as a photographer, screenwriter, and writer. He has written 15 novels, which have been translated into more than 20 languages, and has sold tens of millions of copies. Many of his works have been successfully adapted for the screen. He began publishing his texts in Germany and the United States from Mexico.
What Critics Have Said:
“Behind the gripping adventure of a Traven novel lies the theme that motivates much of rare literature, which can age but never die: the ability of the human spirit to resist and ultimately transcend every assault against its inherent nobility.” – John Anthony West, New York Times.
“What is most intriguing about B. Traven, what links his work so irrevocably to our present moment, is precisely what has no mystery at all […] His novels remain absent of any utopianism, and instead, they describe the resilience of those relegated to the harsh peripheries of capital accumulation and the possible gains achieved through collective action and internationalism.” – Clinton Williamson, The Nation.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: Spanish, English, German.

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