In Vino Veritas: In wine, there is truth (In Vino Veritas: En el vino está la verdad) (Film)

Mystery and seduction in a glass of wine.

Anne Oteiza is an inspector in the Historical Heritage Brigade, completely unfamiliar with the world of wine. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she is tasked with investigating the theft of valuable historical bottles, leading her on a fascinating journey of discovery. During her investigation, which begins in Madrid, passes through San Sebastián during the Film Festival, and ends in the vineyards of Bordeaux, Anne delves into the captivating history of wine and the struggle of French winemakers against Nazi looting during World War II.

On this journey, Anne receives help from Édouard DeauVille, a wine expert and château owner, with whom she shares undeniable chemistry. As the investigation progresses, Anne discovers not only a passion for wine but also the efforts of French winemakers to collaborate with the Resistance during the German occupation and the existence of artworks that still hide great mysteries.

Additionally, Anne confronts the ghosts of her own past, transforming her routine and lonely life into an experience full of surprises and challenges. Anne’s investigation also takes her to a small town in Burgos to investigate the theft of one of Europe’s best-preserved mosaics. It becomes even more complicated when, during a stay in San Sebastián, another wine theft occurs, leading her to question the role of the French Resistance in hiding wine bottles during the war.

This new and complex mission not only connects her with the rich history of wine and art but also changes her life forever, ensuring that nothing will ever be the same.



Virginia Gasull has training in architecture, digital projects, sexology, and enology, which enriches her novels with a historical setting. Her novels have been praised for their thorough research and historical accuracy regarding the events and people that inspire them.


What the reviews say:

“A dream setting, rarely explored in literature, provides the perfect backdrop for this unique offering.” Goodreads
“A mysterious plot surrounded by fine wines, a bit of history, love, and taking us by the hand through various places that invite imagination.” Goodreads


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Film.