Juan Luis Palacios was a minister during the Franco Regime but has known how to adapt in the democratic era, turning into a respectable member of the Parliament, married to Julia. However, the phantom of the past atrocities is always around and his marriage is in crisis. In this context, Juan Luis discovers that Ginés Pardo, a former police officer he knows, plans to carry out an attack.
RELEVANT FACTS: This play tells a story of frenetic suspense, intrigues and moral dilemmas. Society is changing but the main character cannot leave his political past behind.
Buero Vallejo is the great theatrical author of the twentieth century. He won the Premio Miguel de Cervantes (1986) and the Premio Nacional de las Letras Españolas (1996). In addition, he has received in four occasions the Premio Nacional de Teatro and also the Honorary Max Theatre Award, among many other distinctions.
POTENTIAL AUDIOVISUAL: TV Series, TV Miniserie, Film, TV Movie

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