Human vampires who do not fear daylight and can see their reflection in mirrors and die just like common humans, but live a little longer? A young girl who makes love with a stranger next to her mother’s corpse? This, crimes, drug trafficking and many other things happen in surprising gusts in this story. These fascinating events take place in the splendorous port of Mazatlán. Next to the sea passion overflows, and they celebrate life and death; there is beauty, but also horror.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Rodríguez has been awarded with many recognitions, like the Premio Nacional de Cuento Gilberto Owen or the Premio Mazatlán de Literatura. Other awards given to him are the Premio Nacional de Poesía Ignacio Manuel Altamirano and the Premio Estatal de Crónica.
Film director Eduardo Rossoff based his movie Sangre de familia on the novel Murder at a Chinese Laundromat (Asesinato en una lavandería china).
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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