A politically incorrect story about people who have to learn to be exactly the opposite.
Vicky is a rebel with a cause, feminist, strong LGBT rights defender, anti-fascist and sexually active. She is also part of Viceversa, an organization that fights for women and LGBT rights, together with her friends and her ex-girlfriend.
Her life changes unexpectedly during a feminist march, when she is violently arrested after a confrontation with a police officer. Later on, Vicky finds herself involved in an intriguing police investigation.
RELEVANT DATA: A TV Series perfect for a franchise thanks to its universality and contemporaneity.
The creator, Andrés Pascaner, one of the authors, has a long screenwriter career in Argentina. He was co-writer for Maradona: Blessed Dream, the biopic premiered by Amazon about the famous football player. He was also part of the writer’s team for the international Netflix success El Marginal, TV series about Argentinian prisons, which was recommended by Leo Messi.
He worked also for the TV series Falsos falsificados, co-produced by Sony and Televisa or the Argentinian soap opera Taxi: Amores cruzados. He frequently works for the production company Ponchosauer.

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