The Blackemore are an English, classy, middle-aged couple with two children. Both work very hard to get their family a good life and to try to maintain their social status. Mark is a salesman at a car dealership. Helen is a secretary in City County. Their children are Victoria, who just turned sixteen, and Ross, the baby of the family, who’s also on his way to adolescence. The family decides to go on vacation in a resort at an island on the Riviera Maya. One night, while the Blackemore dine outdoors, they see how a powerful light crossing the sky. Then all lights go out. All lights.
The hotel goes completely dark and so does the island … all the electrical devices stop working at the same time the light crossed the sky leaving a shiny wake. The situation at the town near the resort even worse. Everybody is out of control. Chaos has broken out. Mark and his family will end up doing things that would have been unthinkable a month ago… fighting hand to hand, stealing, and finally killing… Or is it murder? They do not know where they are heading nor what kind of world awaits them … but they will learn to face it, because the end of the world has come… and they were on vacation.
RELEVANT FACTS: Curro Royo is a famous screenwriter with many Prime Time scripts under his belt. He worked in Cuentame como pasó, one of the longest Spanish TV series in history, Médico de familia, and Periodistas. He has also written Las aventuras del capitán Alatriste, a TV Series based on Arturo PérezReverte’s novel.

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