The story unfolds on a ship, in which important personalities travel. The captain communicates to his distinguished crew that they are going to suffer the attack of a German submarine. It is then, when they feel so close and close to their possible death, that passengers begin to reflect and explain the truth of their lives.
RELEVANT FACTS: This work has all the ingredients of a limit situation of coexistence: problems on the high seas and a group of strangers that, by force, begins to know each other.
Casona was one of the most important Spanish writers of the 20th century. He lived between Spain and Latin America, where his work had a great success in cinema and theatre, especially in Argentina, where several movies about his work were produced. He received the Premio Nacional de Literatura and the Premio de Teatro Lope de Vega, among others.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, TV Miniseries, Film, TV Movie
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