A former spy returns to save a country.
Elvis Alezcano, known among his colleagues as “Hendrix’s Guitar,” is a former agent of the Federal Security Directorate (DFS) who was abandoned by his wife. After several years of international missions, he now lives his retired life in a city in northwest Mexico, where he spends his time recovering stolen cars.
Alezcano is one of those people who cares very little about what happens around him, but when his former DFS boss offers him a few thousand dollars to carry out a mission that seems “impossible”, Alezcano accepts– even if it means returning to a dangerous world where the price to pay may be his life.
The mission: to locate a box of documents that will be used to thwart a coup d’état attempt in an Argentina, devastated by the “Tango Effect.”
Alezcano searches for the clues to resolve the critical situation that could take the entire nation to war, driven by his obsessions, phobias, and desires. At the same time, multiple international conflicts intertwine with his mission: the hidden intentions of RENAVE in Mexico, the CIA, Her Majesty’s Secret Service, the fascist military forces of the Southern Cone with echoes of the Falklands War, Arab spies, Spanish judges prosecuting war criminals, and the trafficking of high-tech military instruments.
All of this added to the seemingly outrageous desire of the only people who truly matter to Alezcano: his parents. An elderly hippie couple who consume industrial amounts of marijuana and whose only dream is to have dinner with none other than Mick Jagger. A desire that makes him risk everything.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Élmer Mendoza is considered one of the great representatives of “narco literature” or the “professional criminal world novel”, a concept coined by Raymond Chandler.
The author is also regarded as one of the most interesting voices in the new Latin American literature due to the topics he addresses and how he approaches them through different language experimentation techniques. In Tequila Effect, he tackles the theme of Mexican immigrants in the United States and how transculturality permeates the next generations through Elvis’ parents.
Tequila Effect was a finalist for the Dashiell Hammett Award.
Music serves as a binding force in the story, as it is the most important legacy Elvis receives from his parents: the powerful rock of Carlos Santana, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin, as well as The Beatles’ Let it Be.
Tequila Effect has the potential to become an audiovisual production similar to the film Red and Taken, whose main characters are former spies returning to action.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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