“A high price to pay to be yourself”
Hermógenes, born into a family of renowned doctors, decides not to study medicine as the family tradition dictates and enrolls in archeology. He will have to embark on this path alone, as his family decides to withdraw all financial support.
Lonely in Valencia, where he studies at the university, the young man is forced to babysit in order to survive economically. This is how he meets Ana and her baby Quim, with whom he forms a close bond. Taking care of Quim will help Hermógenes to mature quickly, forcing him to take on new responsibilities, to face a new life without luxuries and, above all, will lead him to self-discovery.
This new situation and all the decisions made by the young man end up alienating him completely from his family, because they feel betrayed and frown upon Hermogenes working as a babysitter.
Just when it seemed that he was beginning to enjoy his new life, Quim, the baby with whom he has connected the most, falls ill. Hermógenes is forced to get in touch with his family, so that they can help him with the treatment of the little one, thus initiating a journey towards reconciliation with his family.
RELEVANT DATA: Pasqual Alapont is a prolific author of children’s literature, plays, novels and translations and his work includes some thirty titles. His novel The Black Sheep (La Oveja negra) received the Edebé Award for Young Readers’, the Serra D’Or Critics’ Award and has received mention at The White Ravens of the Internationale Jugend Bibliothek of Munich.
Some of his children’s plays have been huge bestsellers, such as El infierno de Marta, which won the Young Protagonist Award. He has received wide recognition throughout his career, and his awards include the Max Aub Award for the Performing Arts of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Micalet Theater Award, the Enric Valor Award, the Bancaja Award for Children’s Narrative, the Joanot Martorell Award, the Catalan Book Council Award for Children and Young People, and the Porrot d’Honor de les Lletres Valencianes.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.
LANGUAGES AVAILABLE: Spanish, Catalan, Galician.

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