Everyone can get in, but no one gets out alive.
Chile, 1852. The imminent arrival of a group of mutinous soldiers at BulnesFort has unleashed chaos. They are willing to do anything to find the gold hidden by the Indians. MatthäusKleis, the Fort’s doctor, manages to get his daughter Odetta to flee with one of the nurses.He decides to stay to take care of his eight patients for one last time.
Before the soldiers arrive, the doctor gives his patients poison and teaches them the sacred words that he learned from an expert Indian healer.It is the ritual of assisted death. The patients gratefully follow his instructions.
In the middle of the ceremony and when the soldiers approach, Matthäus realizes that his daughter has escaped tobe with him, breakingone of the main rules of the ritual: children are vulnerable and should not be present. Frightened, the father hides the girl in a barrel,moments later he is forcibly taken by soldiers. But Odetta is not free. By interrupting the ritual, the souls of the patients, freed from their bodies, found a new host and now inhabit her.
53 years later, in 1905, Doña Paula de Ferrari, an Italian noblewoman fleeing from smallpox, arrives in Punta Arenas with the intention of visiting the old Fort, now called “La Vía Damna”.
Its ruins have become a refuge for hundreds of infected and alienated people of various origins, some thrown by their crews to die at sea. Now, the government threatens to close the building.
Doña Paula finds out that the General Hospital of Vienna wants to buy it in order to reach one of their patients; “Nine”, formerly known as Odetta Kleis, who is blamed of six murders and carries anincurable dissociative hysteria. Nine people live in Odetta, the eight patients of her father and herself.
The responsibility of finding answers falls into Doña Paula’s shoulders, who will bouncebetween political interests and the supernatural to find the truth.
RELEVANT DATA: La víaDamna is a novel that portrays the colonization of the lands of the Patagonian tribes and its aftermath. Taking as a starting point the dangerous and feared Straitof Magellan, Francisca Solar writes a historical fiction full of terror and immerses us in the chilling world of Victorian Chile. Doña Paula, one of the protagonists, is a character that Francisca rescues from her previous novel, which has been a success among readers.
La víaDamna won the Forest Award for the most outstanding Chilean Book. It has recently been published by PlanetaEspaña and its Chilean edition is already in its second run.
Francisca Solar, an internationally acclaimed author of Latin American literature,was the youngest Chilean to sign an international publishing contract. She has written 15 books for children, young adultand adults, and has been published in 18 countries and translated into 4 languages.
What the critics said:
“In this new book by the world-renowned Chilean writer Francisca Solar, La víaDamna, her readers will encounter all the elements that have characterized her writing: mystery, loneliness, abandonment, fear and terror.” Martín Parra Olave, Cinema and Literature.
“Articulating history, mythology, mystery and terror in equal parts, the author manages to unfold an incredibly consistent and highly enjoyable story.” Comiqueros.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.
THEMES: XIX Century, Chile, Family, Dead, Civil War, Mental Illness, Death, Indigenous Culture, Past, Supernatural.
GENRE: Historical terror.

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