The Elites’ Game Saga (Saga El juego de las élites)

The Elites’ Game | The Elites’ Sentence | The Elites’ Birth

What’s the price you’re willing to pay to be part of the elite?

Bernardo is a brilliant Law and Economics student at an elite university in Madrid. Much like hundreds of other talented young people of his generation, he seeks to build a successful future by working at one of the country’s top law firms. Thanks to his hard work and intelligence, he enters the world of large legal firms and discovers how they operate from within.

As Bernardo climbs the ladder of the complex and competitive web of law firms in the Spanish capital, his naivety clashes with the hidden reality of this universe. Immersed in an increasingly suffocating and treacherous path that prevents him from remaining true to his principles, the protagonist is forced to abandon his dream while other well-intentioned professionals become trapped in the game of power.

In The Elites’ Sentence, Bernardo immerses himself fully in the world of consulting firms and investment funds, hoping that their operations will differ from what he has experienced in the legal circuit. However, what he discovers is a bureaucratic and non-meritocratic universe, even more suffocating than the legal firms. This leads him to start his own investment fund, which exposes him to a jungle-like environment where the pressure is so intense that Bernardo suffers a heart attack.

Bernardo, who has hit rock bottom, decides to permanently abandon the world of the elites, only to be surprised by the fact that his son has chosen to follow the same path.

The Elites’ Birth serves as a prequel that describes how dozens of brilliant young individuals, including Bernardo, start university full of hope, only to be transformed by it. Most aspire to become part of the elites, an exclusive club whose members enjoy high salaries and participate in decision-making processes for the most important projects in the international business world. Over time, the students begin to realize the price they have to pay to secure those coveted positions in the job market, and not everyone is cut out for it.


RELEVANT INFORMATION: The The Elites’ Game saga is inspired by the life of the author himself, Javier Vasserot.

The first installment, The Elites’ Game, was a bestseller, reaching number one most sold on Amazon.

Vasserot develops a universe full of elements that can be adapted to the audiovisual format. Furthermore, it is a rich plot with unique characters that the audience can empathize with, especially Bernardo, who is trying to find a place where he feels comfortable. The author’s decision to write three books provides a solid foundation for creating a multi-season series in the vein of shows like Succession, Industry, or Suits.


AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.


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