An inspiring story about the magic of little things.
With her indomitable personality, Doña Maru, a 90-year-old woman, lives a peaceful life in Oaxaca, Mexico, where every day she rides 30 km in her bicycle to give sweets, love and smiles to the children of the orphanage. Since the death of her son Santiago, Doña Maru has never stop visiting the orphanage to honor his memory and to make up for her mistakes that lead to his death.
She was also abandoned and raised in an orphanage in Chile, from which she escaped when she was thirteen years old, and she knows very well what it means to be alone in the world.
When Doña Maru finds out that her grandson, whom she never met, lives somewhere in Veracruz, she does not think twice. She decides to ride the horse of the wind – incarnated in her old bicycle – and leaves Oaxaca in search for the young man. She goes through La Vega del Sol, Camelia Roja, Tierra Blanca, el Moralito and Boca del Río. Although she has this written down in a paper, Doña Maru memorizes it, for she does not know how to read or write.
During her long adventure, Doña Maru gets to know people and also the world as it really is. She finally arrives to Veracruz, where she meets her grandson Elmo. Doña Maru gives him her bicycle, which means so much to her, and her grandson goes back to Oaxaca with her, with the hopes of getting to know more about her grandmother.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Gabri Ródenas is one of the most interesting authors of the contemporary literary scene. His novels stand out for their great literary quality, their humanity, their humor, their freshness and their spirituality.
La abuela que cruzó el mundo en una bicicleta has been published in Germany, Lithuania, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal with great success. The actor Ashton Kutcher wrote “Never slow down” in a publication about this story in his social media that went viral worldwide.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.
LANGUAGES AVAILABLE: Spanish, German, Bulgarian, Greek, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Italian, Japanese, French.

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