Death has 47 tones.
The Rico family moves from Madrid to Mingorría, a one-horse town. Mía, the oldest sister, thinks that she will be able to be happy again there, after a terrible heartbreak. Astrid, who is fifteen years old, is upset after having to leave her life behind. The youngest, Sofía, has autism, and she manages to communicate with her family through her dog.
When Mia finds a harp-shaped brooch in the garden, she starts investigating the past of the house, which belonged to a Spaniard that made his fortune in America, Mr. Faustino Abad. Diego, a young musician, helps her by investigating a strange music sheet they found in the basement. While sexual tension between the two rises, Mia keeps investigating the dark secrets that hide in the house.
Through her investigation, Mía finds out that in 1900, Faustino Abad arrived to Mingorría from Cuba with his goddaughter Gabriela, a young mixed-race girl with Asperger’s syndrome.
Faustino built the house, a replica of the one he had in Cuba, with a hidden basement, where Gabriella had to witness the murders that Faustino committed while he forced her to play the harp.
Unable to communicate and report him, Gabriela encrypted a music sheet with the confession of the murders. This is the music sheet that Diego and the three Rico sisters will try to decode to unravel what mystery has been hidden in the house for one hundred years.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: The House of the Harp (La casa del arpa) is Paul Harrison’s first novel. It was acquired by the publishing house even before it was finished. In fact, has been highly praised by the critics.
Some of Amazon’s reviews say: “This is a story narrated in a wonderful and captivating way. […] Characters are perfectly built, and the atmospheres recreated are awesome”.
“A novel that traps the reader until the very end. Moving and interesting. It keeps a constant level of excitement.”
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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