It is never too late to fulfill your dreams.
Juana, Dominga, Lucia and Soledad are a group of tender, very Christian grandmothers who live in a small town. This town saw them grow up, become wives, mothers, and grandmothers. Truth be told, they would have wanted much more for their lives, but they had no choice but to settle for their status as housewives without being able to study or travel. And when they finally realized it, their lives had already passed them by.
One day, as if it were a true miracle, a tingling sensation runs through the bodies of each of the ladies simultaneously, filling them with strength, motivation and empowerment. From that day on, they awaken to the life they could have had if they had been born in the time and circumstances in which their granddaughters were born, and the four grandmothers radically change the course of their lives.
Lucia and Soledad leave the village. The former, because she decides to see the world and fall in love again despite having been grieving for thirty years, and the latter to pursue her dream of becoming a movie star in Barcelona. Dominga, however, at almost eighty, begins to work as a lawyer. Juana decides to stay and give free rein to the behaviors that the Church and tradition condemned in a woman of her generation. She bravely and humorously confronts the village’s censorship, and when everyone thinks she has lost her mind, they try to find medical reasons to explain her behavior.
Four grandmothers, each with her own personal goal, who, despite their ages, take control of their lives for the first time. They decide to do what they were never able to do in their lives, fulfilling their dreams, following their hearts and, above all, being free.
RELEVANT DATA: This novel will be published in the fall of 2022. Diana de Paz is one of the most interesting emerging voices in Spanish literature today. The author is beginning to break through with fresh and fun literature that touches on controversial and thought-provoking topics.
What the critics have said:
“Diana de Paz is the discovery of the year.” Goodreads
“Diana touches on uncomfortable subjects in a direct way, calling each issue by its name and she is not afraid to do so.” Goodreads
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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