Do you dare play until the very end?
Leo Domínguez is a teenager who lives alone with his mother. He has been taking care of her since his sister died in an accident and his father decided to abandon them. His father sends child support, but not consistently. They regularly starve and can´t shower every day, let alone buy new clothes. Leo has no friends and not even a phone.
Ana Montalvo, on the other hand, seems to have it all. Her family is well off; she has good friends and a wonderful boyfriend. However, some time ago, things began to change. She decided to get involved in “The Spider´s Web”, a group of teens that play dangerous games. Although they appealed to her before, now they terrify her. Nevertheless, entering was thrilling. She began by getting together with a group of friends to overcome the most daring challenges, imposed by Tarantula, the ringleader. From petty theft to recording beatings of others or making videos with high erotic content. It was fun until they gave her a challenge that was too much for her and she wanted to leave “The Spider´s Web”, but getting out is more complicated than she thought.
She is also doing very badly in school. That is why her father forced her to get a private tutor. It ends up being Leo, the last person in the universe she would want to spend time with.
Leo and Ana clash immediately. Neither of them want to be there, but little by little, they get to know each other and feel attraction towards each other until they become inseparable.
When Tarantula threatens to harm to Leo if she leaves The Spider’s Web, Ana has no choice but to return for her last big dare: Mike, Ana’s boyfriend, and her must have public sex in front of a group of “rich kids” who have paid a fortune to see it live. When Leo finds this out, he goes to Tarantula’s house to fight Mike. The winner of the fight will perform the scheduled show. It´s decided that the winner will perform the scheduled show. However, Leo has devised a plan to get it all sorted out before he has to perform the erotic show: he will buy time by fighting while Vanessa, a friend of Ana’s, sneaks into the place to steal the evidence the police needs to condemn “The Spider´s Web”.
However, Tarantula catches Vanessa in her office and Leo and Ana are forced to have sex in public… Just in time, the police burst in to put an end to this spiral of perversion that they had been investigating for a long time.
Months later, Leo’s life has taken a 180-degree turn. His father, at last, returns and Leo has everything a boy could dream of: friends, new clothes, a computer…. However, he doesn´t need all of these things. He just wants Ana. He has not heard from her for a long time, since her father decided to take her to Italy to recover from everything that happened. When she returns home to spend a few days with her family, she runs away to look for Leo. They both know it won’t be easy to maintain a long-distance relationship, but they are willing to try. They can no longer live without each other.
RELEVANT DATA: Kate Danon is the pseudonym of the writer Victoria Rodriguez, who specializes in romantic novels, usually with young adults as the protagonists. Her works are big hits on Amazon and some of them have been on the bestseller lists on Kindle. She has been a finalist for the prestigious Edebé Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature and the Amazon Literary Award.
What the critics have said:
“It manages to stand out from the rest of the novels of the genre that are abundant in the Spanish market. With captivating characters that steal your heart, the author manages to make you believe all the butterflies and relive the magic of first love. If you are in love with love, like me, and you are looking for something different, this is your story.” Amazon.
“A wonderful story with a plot which I believe I have not read before. The love story is very beautiful with each of its moments, good and bad. And I guess it teaches us not to judge people by appearances.” Goodreads.
“With two incredible and fearless protagonists, an original and absorbing plot, with a fluid and current language; and a cover that says a lot about the novel, attractive and mysterious.” Lecturas adictivas (literary blog).
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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