Rocío, Ángela and Carlota have not seen one another in the last twenty years, concretely, since they finished their studies. Having been inseparable friends until that moment, the future took them to different points. Now they have a common certainty: they feel lonesome. In the course of a long night, they try to find a solution to that loneliness and frustration. None of them has achieved their dream of becoming a mother … Until now. What if they find the ideal man? What if that man gets the three of them pregnant? What if they form a real family? Once the ideal man is found, the only thing left to do is asking him the big question: “Would you mind lending us three spermatozoids…?”
RELEVANT FACTS: THREE is a reflection on the family, on the traditional values, which have been challenged and changed as time has passed by: what is a family? And above all, and more importantly, who decides what a family is?
Globally recognized as a reference in comedy. Two successful years crowding theaters in more than 120 cities in countries like Italy, France, the United States and Chile.
POTENTIAL AUDIOVISUAL FORMAT: TV Series, Miniseries, Film, TV Movie.

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