An invitation to solve the great enigma.
Ruy accidentally finds a note in which five boys from the city will be selected to take part in a competition to become detectives. Despite the invitation lacks an address, Ruy manages to compile all sort of information to find out that they have been summoned to the main train station. Once there, they will be taken to the mysterious Alfa City.
The five chosen are guided by Decan Lux, a peculiar and mysterious man who nicknames each of the participants with a colour: Green, Yellow, Grey, Red and Blue.
When they get to the city, each one is assigned a case. Ruy, also called Gray, has to investigate the murder of the director of the Natural Science Museum before Wednesday at 11:15 am. At 11:15, the only train that can take them out Alfa City is leaving the station.
However, his colleagues start disappearing during the investigation, and Gray is the only one who can solve the mystery and uncover the trap that Decan Lux set. Furthermore, Gray will discover his father’s secret, a pilot who passed away when Ruy was just a kid.
RELEVANT INFORMATION: Who Wants to Be a Detective? is very successful among the youngest audience, and it has been edited in several Spanish-speaking countries. Moreover, the work has been used in schools and high schools as part of the syllabus in Literature subjects.
Pablo de Santis is an Argentinian journalist, writer and screenwriter. He has sold hundreds of thousands of books, and has been awarded with many prizes like the Premio Planeta-Casa de América, the Premio de la Academia Argentina de Letras, the Premio Nacional de Cultura, the Premio Konex, the Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil and the Premio Destacados. He was also a finalist of the Premio Planeta Argentina.
AUDIOVISUAL POTENTIAL: TV Series, Miniseries, Film TV Movie.
AVAILABLE LANGUAGES: Spanish and Italian.

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