Subgénero: Action
Hawks of the sea (Águila azul)
Un pirata sin igual. Todos saben que los piratas son criminales sin escrúpulos, vagabundos que venderían a su madre por un puñado de monedas de oro, […]
Saga Tiziano
Tiziano: La decisión del capo| Adara: la maldición del capo | Famigghia: la salvación del capo ¿Qué esconde el corazón de un villano? Adara Megalos está […]
Arruti’s gang (La banda de Arruti)
La banda criminal más excéntrica de España. Arruti es un narcotraficante, Urrutxurt es un policía municipal con un largo historial de acosos y amenazas, Delgado es […]
The racer or the souls the devil carries (El corredor o las almas que lleva el diablo)
Violence, death and gasoline. An illegal race from Monterrey to Saltillo, six racers, and an award of 1,2 million pesos for the winner. A special […]
Janis Joplin’s lover (El amante de Janis Joplin)
The Mexican Forrest Gump. David Valenzuela is known as the “town idiot”, and at 20 years old he has missed out on the normal experiences for […]
Five Blue Flies (Cinco moscas azules)
Curiosity "saved" the cat. Rafael Molinet is a Uruguayan-Spanish aristocrat living in London, descendant of a run-down blue blood family that is somehow still managing […]
Nanny Petrov – Original Project
If you want a good nanny, call the CIA. Lola García, a Spanish spy as beautiful as she is lethal, is sent to Mexico to […]
David Ribas Series
The Operative | The Terrorist Attack | The Kidnapping | Bombay Express | Bombay: No Way Out | Bombay: Last Revenge | Criminal Code | Terrorist […]
License to spy (Licencia para espiar)
Women who dedicated their life to the dangerous art of espionage. When we think about female spies, Mata Hari and World War I usually come […]
The fabulous story of the Pelayos (La fabulosa historia de los Pelayo)
Only one family could mock the casinos all around the world and become millionaires. Spain, 1990s. The Pelayos are about to make history by being […]