Subgénero: Adventure
Almost a Goddess (Casi diosa)
A teenager like any other, but with a gift only the powerful Goddess of Death could have given her. Celeste is an insecure teenager […]
Rasi the Squirrel and Her Gang Saga (Saga Rasi y la pandilla de la ardilla)
A collection of 22 children´s books Rasi, the children´s favorite squirrel. Rasi the squirrel lives at school. Her gang is made up of Nora, […]
The Cousins Inc. Saga (Saga Primos S.A.)
The Haunted House / Riddle on the Orange-Tree Bridge / The Monastery of Spirits / The Phantom Flock The best detective agency in the world […]
The Conqueror (El conquistador)
What would have happened if the Aztecs had reached Europe first? Quetza, a young Aztec, was raised by a powerful priest adviser to the king. He grows to be a healthy, strong and brilliant young man… […]
Saga President by Surprise (Saga Presidenta por sorpresa)
President by Surprise | Suddenly Disobedient She wanted to be class delegate but became president of the nation. Marta Chacras is 13 years old and […]
The Fantasyburg Saga (Saga Bichos Raros)
The Mystery of the Fluorescent Unicorns | The Mystery of the Know-it-all Sphynx El enigma de los unicornios fluorescentes | El enigma de la esfinge sabelotodo […]
The School Mayhem Saga (Saga ¡Vaya Cole!)
Adrian creates a Big Bang | Bianca against the Barbarians (Adrián hace un Big Bang | Blanca contra los bárbaros) At the end of Turmoil […]
The Multicosmos Saga (Saga Multicosmos)
Pixelated virtual adventures | Trapped with no Wi-Fi | The drones rebellion| Mess in the time-space Have you ever been so hooked by a videogame that […]
The War of the Witches Saga (Saga La Guerra de las Brujas)
The Clan of the She-Wolf | The Desert of Ice | Odi’s Curse The identity of the chosen one has been revealed. The most feared war […]