Subgénero: Fantasy

  • The Year Of the Comet (El Año del Cometa) – Original Project

    “The Year of the Comet” is an original fiction, mystery and horror series, based on the myths by H.P. Lovecraft and set in the 1930s. The … Read more

  • Inferno – Original Project

    Samuel is the half-blooded son of a demon and a human, and, unknowingly, has just become the key to the struggle between Good and Evil. As … Read more

  • Year of the Pharaoh (El año del Faraón) – Original Project

    This story of terror and adventures is set in the 30's, taking as context the universe of H.P. Lovecraft. It tells us how two twins, Lindsay and Eithne, are … Read more

  • Bitch, cocky and naughty (Puta, pija y perversa) – Original Project

    This novel is an ingenious criticism of selfishness and self-deception that incapacitate us to love and to be happy. In it, two plots, in different planes … Read more

  • Mannequins (Maniquís)

    One night, in a big storage building, five female mannequins come to life. The mannequins obtain their freedom by abandoning a world where their only function … Read more

  • Babylon’s Courtesan (La Ramera de Babilonia)

    Babylon’s Courtesan is a comedy that has the most important women in history as main characters. We assist to the encounter of Lilith, the first woman, … Read more

  • The outside world (El mundo de afuera)

    How to turn a fairy tale into a story of monsters The outside world takes place in Medellin. There, the time comes wrapped in a haze, … Read more

  • The Treasure (El Tesoro)

    After a long life as a pirate, Captain Dan “The Red” starts to think about retirement and hiding his precious treasure in an abandoned house, leaving two … Read more

  • Heresy of an Impious Muse (Herejía de una musa impía)

    This story is about the exciting life of a muse – a regular woman in appearance. She was born in Greece centuries ago, and now she … Read more

  • Rest in peace (Descanse en Paz) – Original Project

    We all dream of a unique life, exotic, flamboyant… Marry a Romanian seer, have a foolish son, inherit a funeral home from your great uncle, move … Read more

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