Subgénero: Melodrama

  • Divorce of the Souls (Divorcio de almas)

    The story narrates, on both personal and psychological levels, the life of a couple who wants to divorce. The separation of the couple only resolves the … Read more

  • Abdication (Abdicación)

    In an old family mansion, the life of a family is observed by the elder grandmother, who remains pinned to her memories and worries about her … Read more

  • Pin pricks (Alfilerazos)

    Remigio and his young wife have to emigrate from their country due to poverty. In the destination country, after great calamities and the loss of their … Read more

  • Triumphant Soul (Alma triunfante)

    Every year, the happily married couple of Luis and Isabel celebrates Isabel and their daughter’s saint´s day, but this year fate prepares a drastic and tragic … Read more

  • Field of ermine (Campo de armiño)

    Doña Irene, Marquise of Montalbán, fosters Gerardo, supposedly the son of her brother and a commoner woman. However, she discovers through some letters that everything is … Read more

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