Subgénero: Mystery
Five Blue Flies (Cinco moscas azules)
Curiosity "saved" the cat. Rafael Molinet is a Uruguayan-Spanish aristocrat living in London, descendant of a run-down blue blood family that is somehow still managing […]
The Arrow Collector Saga (Saga El coleccionista de flechas) (TV Series)
The Arrow Collector / The Glacier Crimes Doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest option. In The Arrow Collector, the peace of a remote […]
License to spy (Licencia para espiar)
Women who dedicated their life to the dangerous art of espionage. When we think about female spies, Mata Hari and World War I usually come […]
Moles (Topos) – Original Project for TV Series
No one could possibly imagine what’s going on down there. A forgotten bunker from the Spanish Civil War. After all this time, no one has […]
Abad and Barroso Saga (Film / TV Series)
Red Beauty | The secret life of Úrsula Bas | The man who killed Antía Morgade Nothing is what it seems. No one is who they say they […]
The nearly girl
A fun and romantic thriller that explores the singularities of the human spirit. Henry is poet who is addicted to LSD and lives according […]
The father’s law (La ley del padre)
Even if they willing to kill, they will always be proper people. The Gómez-Arjona’s are the owners of Grupo9, one of the most important media conglomerates […]
The Third Mask (La tercera máscara)
Could you show the world your most intimate mask? A Japanese legend explains how we all have three masks: the one we show to the […]
The Woman with No Name (La mujer sin nombre)
A writer silenced by History… until now. Stage director Noelia Cid is a hardworking, disciplined, intuitive, and highly organized woman. When she is commissioned […]