Subgénero: Romance
When you Broke my Heart (Lo que sucedió cuando me rompiste el corazón)
A broken heart can still beat stronger than ever. Those romantic comedies when clumsy girl meets love of her life, they fall in love, and live […]
Those blue days (TV Serie)
In love, madness is the sane thing. The great love story of Antonio Machado. Nieves Herrero reveals for the first time the true story of the […]
Someone like you (Alguien como tú)
An intense love story hidden for decades. Paulina Homs is in her twenties and has a quiet and accommodated life in Barcelona in the 80s, a […]
Under Rome’s Purple Sky Saga (Saga Bajo el cielo púrpura de Roma)(TV Series)
Passion | Treason | Colapse | Challenge | Mafia Killing or dying. There is no other option. Kathia Carusso, a young girl from one of the most […]
You Are the Night (Tú eres la noche)
Welcome to the underground club of the dark. Rai’s world only gets darker and darker: he has broken up with his girlfriend Astrid because he could […]
Fucking special (Jodidamente especial)
What do you do when you meet someone so fucking special? Amat seems to have everything under control. He has an enviable job, his girlfriend […]
So Close to Life (Tan cerca de la vida) (TV Series / Film)
What makes a human different from a robot? Production? Thought? Love? When Max, a computer expert, arrives in Tokyo, he has a strange feeling. Perhaps […]