Subgénero: Romance

  • Story of a Stairway (Historia de una escalera)

    Capuetes and Montesco are neighbors! The whole action takes place in an apartment building occupied by humble workers, except Elvira and her father, who belong to … Read more

  • The weaver of dreams (La tejedora de sueños)

    This recreation of Homer’s Odyssey relates the adventures of Penelope, loving wife of Ulysses, whose return from the Trojan War she is waiting for. Buero’s Penelope … Read more

  • The first in class (La primera de la clase)

    One summer night, Olga shows up unexpectedly at Anna’s house, a former school mate, seeking for help. Olga, whose husband  Enric is cheating on her, also … Read more

  • Unfinished symphony (Sinfonía inacabada)

    In Vienna, 1814, the young composer Franz Schubert, on the verge of misery, manages to survive thanks to the help of his friends. With emotion, his first … Read more

  • Three diamonds and one woman (Tres diamantes y una mujer)

    Diamond is not a woman's best friend A family of thieves is planning to rob some famous diamonds from a renowned noble family. The robbery is … Read more

  • Sea horses (Caballos de Mar)

    The memories of more than thirty years come through Ignasi Delamo’s mind, Colonel of the Republican Army’s Medical Department, before drawing his last breath after being wounded. They are different … Read more

  • Gala party (Función de Gala)

    In the Valençuela Republic, Felix, a cabaret waiter, wants to seduce a singer, Victoria. The two of them get involved in the process of a coup d’état. … Read more

  • The third word (La tercera palabra)

    Pablo is a teenager who has always lived in the mountains away from civilization. After his father’s death, he moves in with his aunts and cousins. … Read more

  • Three top hats (Tres sombreros de copa)

    The action takes place in an outskirts hotel, during the night spent there by Dionisio, the main character. He is there waiting: he gets married the next … Read more

  • Only love and the moon bring fortune (Sólo el amor y la luna traen fortuna)

    A famous pianist, who is a recalcitrant bachelor, tries to flee from what seems to be an inexorable destiny: marrying someone. Then, he meets a young … Read more

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