Subgénero: Warlike
What the Light Touches (32 de marzo)
The Inhabited Woman (La mujer habitada)
Sand Promises (Promesas de arena) (TV Series)
Available on TVE A la carta Lucía just finished her degree and travels to Palestine as a cooperator in a NGO. She is filled with excitement […]
The Merchant of Death (El mercader de la muerte)
The luxurious story of the assistant to the leading weapon trafficker in 20th century Europe. Monaco, 1930s. Spanish journalist José Ortega travels to Montecarlo […]
The Ones in Saint Patrick’s Batallion (Los del San Patricio)
The story of the men whose morality made them move to the opponent side. The real story of John Riley and his colleagues, the irishmen who […]
After the Bay of Pigs
The untold story of the negotiations that led to the release of the prisoners of war in the Bay of Pigs in 1962 After the unsuccessful […]
The Blue Overall (El Mono Azul)
During the Spanish Civil War, four militia women are isolated, all alone and lost when going behind the fascist lines. They know they are close so […]
Slaughterhouse 36/39 (Matadero 36/39)
Slaughterhouse 36/39 tells of the terrible situations that millions of citizens, especially women, were subjected to during the Spanish Civil War. This work is composed of […]
The Brigade (La Brigada) – Original Project
During the Spanish Civil War – from 1936 to 1939 – there were volunteer soldiers from different countries. Among all these volunteers, there was one brigade formed by […]
The Guilty Beast (La bestia culpable) – Original Project
As a result of a reality show, a group of SEALS discover a man who is Hitler’s clone and is convinced of having been alive in […]