We manage the best selection of literary works for audiovisual adaptation.

La muerte ajena

Biting the Orchid (A mordiscos la orquídea)

Eventos Luxe Series

What the Light Touches (32 de marzo)

The Honey Crimes (Los crímenes de la miel)

The Abandoners (Las abandonadoras)

The Margarita Landi Case: The Blonde with the Veil and the Gun (El caso de Margarita Landi: La rubia del velo y la pistola)

Twin Incompability (Incompatibilidad de gemelos)

The Day I Die (El día de mi muerte)
The Murder Series (Serie Esta oficina me mata)

The Bassi Case (Original project)

Don’t Send Flowers (No manden flores)
Alex Duarte Saga

She Knows (Ella lo sabe)

When the Night Comes (Cuando llega la noche)

The Sea Is Full of Jellyfish (El mar está lleno de medusas)
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If you are interested in acquiring the rights to a work, complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.