We manage the best selection of literary works for audiovisual adaptation.
The House of the Harp (La casa del arpa)
Martina de Santo Saga
The defenses (Las defensas)
American Delirium (América alucinada)
The Reunion (El reencuentro)
The Laws of Relativity Applied to Sexual Relations (Las leyes de la relatividad aplicadas a las relaciones sexuales)
The Master of El Prado (El maestro del Prado)
A Million Drops (Un millón de gotas)
The Cornelia Weber-Tejedor Saga (Saga Cornelia Weber-Tejedor)
Crystal Tigers (Tigres de cristal)
The Grandmother Who Crossed the World in a Bicycle (La abuela que cruzó el mundo en una bicicleta)
The Fourth Sword (La cuarta espada)
The Secret of the Flemish (El secreto de los flamencos)
What mom has left us (Lo que mamá nos ha dejado)
Three Minutes of Color (Tres minutos de color)
How to acquire rights?
If you are interested in acquiring the rights to a work, complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.