We manage the best selection of literary works for audiovisual adaptation.
Crown of Love and Death (Corona de amor y muerte)
Beautiful Dorotea (La bella Dorotea)
Rummy (La canasta)
The decent woman (La decente)
The teapot (La tetera)
The entertained (Las entretenidas)
Maribel and the strange family (Maribel y la extraña familia)
Peach in syrup (Melocotón en almíbar)
Miracle in the López household (Milagro en casa de los López)
Neither poor nor rich, but quite the opposite (Ni pobre ni rico, sino todo lo contrario)
Ninette (Ninette: modas de Paris, un señor de Murcia y en casa de los López)
Only love and the moon bring fortune (Sólo el amor y la luna traen fortuna)
Sublime decision! (¡Sublime decisión!)
The seducer (El seductor)
Fragant simplicity (La sencillez fragante)
Jack, The Ripper (Jack, el destripador)
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If you are interested in acquiring the rights to a work, complete the following form and we will contact you shortly.