Etiqueta: Culture

  • A Mexican in Every Child (Un mexicano en cada hijo te dio)

    Beautiful and beloved Mexico is what it is today thanks to figures from its history.    There are illustrious figures who have something, or everything, to do with what is "Mexicanness" today, often relegated to the shadows of oblivion. Beyond the official history, a group of Mexicans throughout history have had the chance to influence, for better or worse, the life and culture of the country, but whom disdain has erased from memory. Heroes of flesh and blood, villains or stars that shined only to be suddenly dimmed.  Figures such as Isabel Moctezuma: the last Aztec princess; Jesús García Corona, the hero of Nacozari; Gilberto Bosques, "the Mexican Schindler"; Tezozomoc, the terrible … Read more

  • Open Relationship (Relación abierta) – An Original TV Series Project

    Honey, I think it’s time to meet other people. Our grandparents would have never thought about having sexual encounters outside the marriage as a common habit. … Read more

  • The Ikigai Method (El Método Ikigai)

    The worldwide phenomenon that brings us closer to the secrets of a healthy and happy life. According to the Japansese, everybody has an ikigai, a reason … Read more

  • What Lives Inside (Lo que habita dentro)

    You deal with the monster, or the monster will deal with you.   October 1987, San Petri, Costa de la Muerte (Galicia, Spain). It’s the night … Read more

  • The Children of Morelia (Los niños de Morelia) – TV Series Original Project

      During the Spanish Civil War, the government of the Republic accepted the offer of the Mexican authorities to take in a big number of children … Read more

  • Cacereño

    A stubborn immigrant from southern Spain unexpectedly finds in the Basque Country of the 70s a place to build a future.     After the first … Read more

  • The Master of El Prado (El maestro del Prado)

    A fascinating adventure into the secrets of the great masters. A writer apprentice learns how to look at paintings to decipher the hidden messages of the … Read more

  • Gorgonzola

    An alien belonging to a fierce race of space invaders is captured by an 11-year-old boy who puts him in his mouse cage.   A tiny … Read more

  • Women (Mujeres) (TV Series/Film)

    The rebellious Mexican women who changed the curse of History. In the 1970s, in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, an old … Read more

  • The Space Ship Under the Apple Tree Series

    The Space Ship Under the Apple Tree | The Space Ship Returns |The Three-Seated Space Ship | Round Trip Space Ship |The Space Ship in the … Read more

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