Etiqueta: Death
The publishing house (La editorial)
El negocio familiar es lo único que importa. Fundada más de medio siglo atrás en el País Vasco, la editorial Egurra es una de […]
Official love story (Historia oficial del amor)
Colombia, contada a través de una historia de amor familiar. Con este best-seller, Ricardo Silva Romero nos cuenta su historia familiar. Su destino, su karma y su […]
The racer or the souls the devil carries (El corredor o las almas que lleva el diablo)
Violence, death and gasoline. An illegal race from Monterrey to Saltillo, six racers, and an award of 1,2 million pesos for the winner. A special […]
Janis Joplin’s lover (El amante de Janis Joplin)
The Mexican Forrest Gump. David Valenzuela is known as the “town idiot”, and at 20 years old he has missed out on the normal experiences for […]
Five Blue Flies (Cinco moscas azules)
Curiosity "saved" the cat. Rafael Molinet is a Uruguayan-Spanish aristocrat living in London, descendant of a run-down blue blood family that is somehow still managing […]
Four Seasons of Love (Amor a cuatro estaciones)
¿Qué haces cuando lo que más te lastima, también te ayuda a vivir? Christopher es un chico que compagina su vida de estudiante de letras […]
The Red Book: continuation (El libro rojo: Continuación)
BOOK I: 1868-1928 | BOOK II: 1928-1959 BOOK III: 1959-1979 | BOOK IV: 1980-1993 Contemporary Mexico told through its crimes. In 1870, Vicente Riva Palacio, […]
Honor: The other victims of the Marquises of Urquijo Murder Crime (Honor: Las otras víctimas del crimen de los marqueses de Urquijo)
The truth behind one of the most well-known crimes in Spain. On the night of August 1st, 1980, the marquises of Urquijo were shot while […]
David Ribas Series
The Operative | The Terrorist Attack | The Kidnapping | Bombay Express | Bombay: No Way Out | Bombay: Last Revenge | Criminal Code | Terrorist […]
The fighters (Las luchadoras) – Original project
Together, they’ll make justice, whatever it takes. Daniel Moreno, a young waiter from the Canary Islands, finishes his shift at a hotel in Fuerteventura and […]