Etiqueta: Drug trafficking

  • Five wheat spikes (Cinco espigas)

    Nadie sospecha que las mejores panaderas del barrio son criminales.   La Tahona es la típica panadería hípster de moda. Se sitúa en una de las … Read more

  • The hidden life of Fidel Castro (La vida oculta de Fidel Castro)

    THE HIDDEN LIFE OF FIDEL CASTRO Juan Reinaldo Sánchez y Axel Gyldén   His bodyguard uncovers all the secrets of the Cuban leader   Fidel Castro … Read more

  • Official love story (Historia oficial del amor)

    Colombia, contada a través de una historia de amor familiar.   Con este best-seller, Ricardo Silva Romero nos cuenta su historia familiar. Su destino, su karma y su … Read more

  • Janis Joplin’s lover (El amante de Janis Joplin)

    The Mexican Forrest Gump. David Valenzuela is known as the “town idiot”, and at 20 years old he has missed out on the normal experiences for … Read more

  • The orchard (La huerta)

    True horror is not knowing who to trust.   The architect Roberto Benavídez and his family move to “the Orchad”, a house in the countryside, in … Read more

  • The Nazis in México (Los nazis en México)

    A distant territory becomes Hitler’s obsession to achieve victory.   In the 1930s, Mexico becomes an obsession for Adolf Hitler. The war had not yet begun, … Read more

  • The Magda Ventura Saga (Saga Magda Ventura)

    The Coltan Conspiracy | The Conjuring of Herat | The Maltese Connection | Working title A fearless journalist who will risk her life and stop at … Read more

  • The Land of the Great Promise (La tierra de la gran promesa)

    A profitable rivalry. A past that haunts him like a nightmare.     Diego Gonzalez, a documentary filmmaker, his wife Monica, and their baby Lucas are … Read more

  • Strokes of Light (Golpes de luz)

    Endearing and wild.     Julia is a journalist in her forties who decides to move with her son Sebas to her hometown in Galicia. She … Read more

  • The Millionaires of War (Los millonarios de la guerra)

    To make millions you don't need to win the war.    December of 2006, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared the war on drugs, an era … Read more

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