Etiqueta: Education

  • A Thief Among Us (Un ladrón entre nosotros)

    Who is the classroom thief?  Room A is much like any other classroom in the world: there are students who are goody-two-shoes, some that are true … Read more

  • Rasi the Squirrel and Her Gang Saga (Saga Rasi y la pandilla de la ardilla)

    A collection of 22 children´s books  Rasi, the children´s favorite squirrel.     Rasi the squirrel lives at school. Her gang is made up of Nora, … Read more

  • The Secret Life of Rebecca Paradise (La vida secreta de Rebecca Paradise)

                                                        … Read more

  • The Hunt (La caza) – Original Project for TV Series

    When life gives you the opportunity to take revenge on the men who raped you, even if he is the father of your son.   Diana … Read more

  • The School Mayhem Saga (Saga ¡Vaya Cole!)

    Adrian creates a Big Bang | Bianca against the Barbarians (Adrián hace un Big Bang | Blanca contra los bárbaros)   At the end of Turmoil … Read more

  • The Secret of the Flemish (El secreto de los flamencos)

    Two opposite artistic movements will fight at any cost to play a leading role in the world. The Renaissance is undoubtedly a time of artistic brightness. … Read more

  • Beats – An Original TV Series Project

    Today, fame seems to be achieved only through one way: popularity in social media. In the Beats Academy of Performing Arts, the students know it. The … Read more

  • Eo

    No need to be among humankind to feel accompanied. Pedro is a 10-year-old kid who lives with his mother in a poor neighbourhood of the city. His mother works long hours everyday at a bar. When Pedro is home … Read more

  • The Heart Has its Reasons

    An ode to optimism, the one that is open to second chances, the one that assures the best… is always about to come. The life of … Read more

  • Winds from the south

      Victoria has just finished a troublesome relationship with a woman and she decides to leave Paris and return to her native Spain. She arrives in … Read more

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