Etiqueta: Fight against the System
The Abandoners (Las abandonadoras)
Don’t Send Flowers (No manden flores)
Open Veins of Latin America (Las venas abiertas de América Latina)
Saga Inspectora Luna
Trail of corpses (Reguero de cadáveres)
The silenced ones (Los silenciados)
The Last Wagon (El último vagón) (Film)
Available on Netflix An ode to teachers who, totally committed to their jobs, are capable of doing whatever necessary for the sake of education and their […]
Hawks of the sea (Águila azul)
Un pirata sin igual. Todos saben que los piratas son criminales sin escrúpulos, vagabundos que venderían a su madre por un puñado de monedas de oro, […]
A Corpse in Congress (Un cadáver en el Congreso)
Podemos: from “yes we can”, to “we don’t want to”. In 2014, a group of young people managed to inspire left-wing voters with promises of […]