Etiqueta: Heartbreak
Phone Calls From Amsterdam (Llamadas de Amsterdam)
An alternative reality made to give their desires a second chance. The story starts with a phone call in Amsterdam Street, in Ciudad de México. Juan […]
Beatriz chose not to get married (Beatriz decidió no casarse)
Beatriz dedicated her entire life to fulfill her only dream: to be a successful and recognized writer. At forty-five years, his long hours of work have […]
From rupture to suture (De la ruptura a la sutura)
Isabella Santo Domingo presents, in a fun way, with humor and much irony, the different phases of the emotional disaster called "spite". She warns us […]
Saga The Joys and the Shadows (Los gozos y las sombras) (TV Series)
In Pueblanueva del Conde, an imaginary seafaring villa in Galicia, everything is shaken by the return of Carlos Deza, the last one of the Churruchaos, former […]
Filomeno, despite myself (Filomeno, a mi pesar)
Filomeno Freijomil or Ademar de Alemcastre, two names for a same character in search of his destiny, and that uses his names depending on the place […]
Pakita: Stimulating, bitter and necessary (Sólo para Paquita)
Pakita is the play´s main character. She is abandoned by her husband. The woman suffers this separation since she is madly in love with the man. […]
I will love you madly (Te amaré locamente)
A recently divorced lady thinks she has found the man of her life, but a few months later, she finds herself in a prison of emotions: […]
My sweet bionic boy (Te quiero, muñeco)
A woman lives unsatisfied in the field of love since it has never gone well with her boyfriends. Now, she finds herself looking for the perfect […]
Heresy of an Impious Muse (Herejía de una musa impía)
This story is about the exciting life of a muse – a regular woman in appearance. She was born in Greece centuries ago, and now she […]
The Good Servant (El buen sirviente)
Is it possible that the devil cannot do anything but to serve God? A successful fashion photographer, Inés Ruano, receives a curious gift on her 45th […]