Etiqueta: Heartbreak
Pakita: Stimulating, bitter and necessary (Sólo para Paquita)
Pakita is the play´s main character. She is abandoned by her husband. The woman suffers this separation since she is madly in love with the man. […]
I will love you madly (Te amaré locamente)
A recently divorced lady thinks she has found the man of her life, but a few months later, she finds herself in a prison of emotions: […]
My sweet bionic boy (Te quiero, muñeco)
A woman lives unsatisfied in the field of love since it has never gone well with her boyfriends. Now, she finds herself looking for the perfect […]
Caviar Today, Sardines Tomorrow (Hoy caviar, mañana sardinas) (TV Series)
The backstage of diplomatic glamour. The Posadas family moves to Spain when the father is appointed as ambassador. Luis Posadas gives his credentials to […]
Heresy of an Impious Muse (Herejía de una musa impía)
This story is about the exciting life of a muse – a regular woman in appearance. She was born in Greece centuries ago, and now she […]
The Good Servant (El buen sirviente)
Is it possible that the devil cannot do anything but to serve God? A successful fashion photographer, Inés Ruano, receives a curious gift on her 45th […]
The curve of happiness (La curva de la felicidad)
Quino, the main character, 42 years old, is a television scriptwriter in a temporary basis , who is going through a mid-life crisis after turning forty. […]
Midnight games (Juegos de medianoche)
Santiago and Elena met each other in the cemetery while burying their respective partners. From that point on, they begin a new life together. Married again and after […]
Save the dolphins (Salvad a los delfines)
A divorced couple meets after seven years split at their daughter’s wedding. She has built a new life with another man. The play develops the misunderstandings […]
Fright (Las orejas del lobo)
Irene had a lover but he abandoned her to become a priest. She married another man who did not take care of her to become a politician […]