Etiqueta: Journey

  • Filomeno, despite myself (Filomeno, a mi pesar)

    Filomeno Freijomil or Ademar de Alemcastre, two names for a same character in search of his destiny, and that uses his names depending on the place … Read more

  • A day in God’s life (Un día en la vida de Dios)

    A ball of energy with many eyes and ears assumes the creation of the Universe. God – an adorable and, as any other god, arbitrary female … Read more

  • Caviar Today, Sardines Tomorrow (Hoy caviar, mañana sardinas) (TV Series)

      The backstage of diplomatic glamour.   The Posadas family moves to Spain when the father is appointed as ambassador. Luis Posadas gives his credentials to … Read more

  • Prometheus 3030 (Prometeo 3030) – Original Project

    What do a scientist, a caveman and Miss Fried Chicken do in a spaceship? Nothing less than finding a way back to Earth. Prometheus 3030 tells … Read more

  • Our lady (Nuestra señora)

    A magnificent comedy that begins after Madam Pura falls asleep in a train and wakes up six stations past her destination generating a chain of entanglements … Read more

  • The Pons Quartet (El cuarteto Pons)

    During a concert, the public heckles the musicians of a quartet whose future looks pitch black. However, one of them, the violinist, receives a letter from … Read more

  • The man in the Taj-Mahal (El Hombre de Taj Mahal)

    A man over fifty looks back on his life seeking clues to explain his present. He talks about his father, a merchant who cheated on his … Read more

  • Life on a thread (La vida en un hilo)

    Mercedes has just become a widow after Ramón’s death, with who she had been very unhappy. One day on a train, she encounters a fortune-teller. She reminds … Read more

  • Going Down to Morocco (Bajarse al moro)

    Chusa, Jaimito and Alberto share a flat in the city center. Chusa lodges Elena, whom she met in the street. With her arrival, things start to change … Read more

  • Skylight (El tragaluz)

    In the future world, it is carried out an experiment to travel back in time. In the past to which the experiment is carried out, there … Read more

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