Etiqueta: Mexico
Nirvana Hotel
Delirium (Delirio)
A lone asasin (Un asesino solitario)
Las soldaderas
Trail of corpses (Reguero de cadáveres)
The Last Wagon (El último vagón) (Film)
Available on Netflix An ode to teachers who, totally committed to their jobs, are capable of doing whatever necessary for the sake of education and their […]
The Photographer’s Daughter (La hija del fotógrafo)
Cruel Sky (Cielo Cruel)
Love is not the same as lust. Cruel Sky is a town in northern Mexico with a rich historical background. It served as a gateway to […]
Love and tequila (Amor y tequila)
A wild comedy filled with mystery, romance, tequila, and salt. Sara is a doctor, a perfectionist, and a first-time mother. Between hospital shifts, her almost sleepless […]
Serial killers in Mexico: A look into their criminal mind (Asesinos seriales en México: Una mirada a su psique criminal) (TV Series / Film)
Aquellos que aterrorizaron a todo un país. Los 21 casos más icónicos de asesinos seriales en México, desde 1986 hasta 2021. Arrancando con […]