Etiqueta: Mexico
Tormented Duology (Bilogía Atormentados)
Belleza atormentada | Atormentado deseo Enamorarse no era parte del plan. La Bilogía Atormentados cuenta la historia de los hermanos Andrea y Cristóbal de la Garza, […]
A crack in the night (Una grieta en la noche)
La oscuridad emerge en cada rincón de la ciudad. Este libro de cuentos reúne seis historias de corte espeluznante, donde la oscuridad de la Ciudad […]
La visitante
¿Quién te mantiene despierto? En el convulso México de 1972: Gabriela, estudiante de Contaduría en la UNAM, se ha mudado recientemente con su […]
The racer or the souls the devil carries (El corredor o las almas que lleva el diablo)
Violence, death and gasoline. An illegal race from Monterrey to Saltillo, six racers, and an award of 1,2 million pesos for the winner. A special […]
Janis Joplin’s lover (El amante de Janis Joplin)
The Mexican Forrest Gump. David Valenzuela is known as the “town idiot”, and at 20 years old he has missed out on the normal experiences for […]
The Red Book: continuation (El libro rojo: Continuación)
BOOK I: 1868-1928 | BOOK II: 1928-1959 BOOK III: 1959-1979 | BOOK IV: 1980-1993 Contemporary Mexico told through its crimes. In 1870, Vicente Riva Palacio, […]
The orchard (La huerta)
True horror is not knowing who to trust. The architect Roberto Benavídez and his family move to “the Orchad”, a house in the countryside, in […]
This Emptiness that Boils (Este vacío que hierve)
Secrets are hidden underground. The story takes place in 2030, Karina is a twenty-five-year-old physicist who is currently working on a new theory of universal […]
Saga Sunny Pascal
Bitter Drink | The Tequila Case | A Handful of Bullets (Trago amargo | El caso tequila | Por un puñado de balas) Movie Stars, […]
I Loved You and You Screwed Me Over (Te amaba y me chingaste)(TV Series / Film)
A 19th century soap opera in the 21st century. Between tacos with lots of salsa, alcohol, and songs by José José and Juan Gabriel, […]