Etiqueta: Mexico
The Millionaires of War (Los millonarios de la guerra)
To make millions you don't need to win the war. December of 2006, former Mexican President Felipe Calderon declared the war on drugs, an era […]
Cherubs in Hell (Querubines en el infierno)
The harrowing story of Mexicans who fought for the U.S. in World War II. Cannon fodder: that is what the Mexican migrants who enlisted […]
A Mexican in Every Child (Un mexicano en cada hijo te dio)
Beautiful and beloved Mexico is what it is today thanks to figures from its history. There are illustrious figures who have something, or everything, to do with what is "Mexicanness" today, often relegated to the shadows of oblivion. Beyond the official history, a group of Mexicans throughout history have had the chance to influence, for better or worse, the life and culture of the country, but whom disdain has erased from memory. Heroes of flesh and blood, villains or stars that shined only to be suddenly dimmed. Figures such as Isabel Moctezuma: the last Aztec princess; Jesús García Corona, the hero of Nacozari; Gilberto Bosques, "the Mexican Schindler"; Tezozomoc, the terrible […]
The Nazi Code (El código nazi)
Mexico's false neutrality in World War II. Mexico, 1940´s. Lorenzo Blanquet is a spy and right-hand man of Secretary of Defense Lázaro Cárdenas. He accepts […]
Total Sexuality of the Universe (Totalidad sexual del cosmos)
The extraordinary life of Nahui Olin, a legend of the Mexican feminist movement. Carmen Mondragón, better known as Nahui Olin, is one of the most resounding voices in Hispanic arts […]
Women with Big Eyes (Mujeres de ojos grandes)(TV Series)
37 different women, all in search of one thing in common: liberation. 37 rural women held back by dominant and sexist men, preventing them […]
Almost a Goddess (Casi diosa) (TV Series)
A teenager like any other, but with a gift only the powerful Goddess of Death could have given her. Celeste is an insecure teenager […]
Saga Lefty Mendieta (Saga El zurdo mendieta) (TV SERIES)
Silver Bullets | The Acid Taste | Name of the Dog Kiss the Detective | Murder in Sinaloa Park | She Came in Through the […]
The Spring of Evil (La primavera del mal) (TV Series)
Crime has no limits nor frontiers. Early 20th century. The Chinese have control of the drug cartel over the border of Mexico and the United […]
Marisol and Her Seven Ghosts (Marisol y las siete muertitas)
Marisol wants to change the course of her life. Her seven ghosts will help her in the process. It is the Day of the Dead and […]