Etiqueta: Mexico
The Spring of Evil (La primavera del mal) (TV Series)
Crime has no limits nor frontiers. Early 20th century. The Chinese have control of the drug cartel over the border of Mexico and the United […]
Marisol and Her Seven Ghosts (Marisol y las siete muertitas)
Marisol wants to change the course of her life. Her seven ghosts will help her in the process. It is the Day of the Dead and […]
The Croocked Years (Los años sabandijas)
When embarrassment was never an issue and laws were not an obstacle. Ruby and Roxy, two swindlers without scruples, escape from the police after stealing two […]
The Desperate (Los Desesperados)
“Rock and roll bands are over”, they said. Los Desesperados is a Mexican independent rock back who fight endlessly to reach people with their music, […]
Behind The Mask (Bajo la máscara)
They will try to protect the city and, while they’re at it, get the number of the girl of their dreams. The Zombie, tall and […]
The Children of Morelia (Los niños de Morelia) – TV Series Original Project
During the Spanish Civil War, the government of the Republic accepted the offer of the Mexican authorities to take in a big number of children […]
Murder at a Chinese Laundromat (Asesinato en una lavandería china)
Human vampires who do not fear daylight and can see their reflection in mirrors and die just like common humans, but live a little longer? […]
Phone Calls From Amsterdam (Llamadas de Amsterdam)
An alternative reality made to give their desires a second chance. The story starts with a phone call in Amsterdam Street, in Ciudad de México. Juan […]
Argon’s Shot (El disparo de Argón)
The priority is not to cure, but to sell. Antonio Suárez, fake disciple of the famous Catalan ophthalmologist Barraquer, founds an eye hospital in Mexico. […]
Women (Mujeres)
The rebellious Mexican women who changed the curse of History. In the 1970s, in front of the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, an old […]